BP Slick Covers Dolphins and Whales.mov

hccreekkeeper [[- “This was the most emotionally disturbing video I have ever done! A flight over the BP Slick Source where I saw at least 100 Dolphins in the oil, some dying. I also photographed a Sperm Whale covered in oil all around it’s blow hole. Please spread this around the world. Send me any links to places it gets posted so I can follow. I want to piss off the world. Who will answer for these gentle creatures?”]] | 26-06-2010 [[- «60.000 barriles de petróleo se derraman a diario en el Golfo de México (Animales en peligro – Riesgos para los humanos)» Christian Palacios, Funiber Medio Ambiente, 02-07-2010 & «El crudo puede llegar a la mesa. Los efectos de los derrames de petróleo tienen potencial duradero» Daniel Ricardo Hernández, El Universal, Caracas, 30-06-2010 & «Por la mancha de petróleo, cerró la famosa playa de Pensacola en Florida» Clarín.com Mundo, 26-06-2010 .]].


(3 de julio de 2010)